Friday, July 22, 2005

More randomness

I posted about this random tomato plant on my garden-related blog. My labmate R and I are just wondering how the hell it got there in the first place.

Random tomato plant by Broida Hall, UCSB

R said that one day 2 undergrad males were walking by when 1 guy said, "hey, man, there's a tomato growing there." It just reminded her of how we noticed the plant.

You can tell by this next pic that my lab isn't too formal.

Whimsical lab door decoration

Fellow researcher and sometime "contract commercial artist" R designed this logo for our door.

And for all those of you who may not think much of UCSB grad school, I know you're just jealous. Check out this view.

View from my office window (if the window were lower or I were taller)

The view would be nicer if it were eye-level when I sit down to work at my computer, but maybe it was intentionally designed to prevent grad grunt workers from getting too distracted by the ocean.