Wednesday, October 25, 2006

San Diego Zoo Side Trip

Oct. 25, 8:44 am:Yay San Diego Zoo...

First stop before pandas, the orangutans

Panda pic 1: mama sleeping on rock

Panda pic 2: 1year old baby sleeping high up in tree

Panda pic 3: 3 year old cub sleeping high up in another tree, but facing the zoo tourist walkway. You know, if the zookeepers wanted to, they could hide away the pandas and place giant stuffed replicas of them in the trees, and none of the zoo goers would be any the wiser...

View from outside panda exhibit: 3 year old cub still sleeping safely in the trees...why don't they fall off when sleeping?

Some primate with the word swamp in its name

Hehe note all the freeloading waterfowl where the more exotic zoo birds are being kept...there's > 15 moochers

What's the difference between a goose and a duck? The sign on this exhibit said red-cheeked something goose...

Reindeer enclosure near the "polar bear plunge" exhibit

Polar bear pic 1: 2 frolicking bears

Polar bear pic 2: they play kinda rough...they were right up against the plastic barrier, right in front of us

Polar bear pic 3: happy bears

oink oink

Takins...from Asia

why do all the deer/antelope/gazelle things stare at us like this?

Red River hogs, and a water buffalo in the back

So this is a male bird of what...

How many zebras do you see here? MH and I only saw 2 at first...

Then one zebra walked away from the feed trough to eye us suspiciously

Then another one came by...and that is when we discovered there was still another one feeding at the trough

Another popular exhibit: the giraffes

See the giraffe calf at the far end?

Camel...another animal again eyeing us suspiciously...I guess we're just shady people.


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