I have a cheap 7-speed bicycle that I rarely use since I live so close to campus that it would be more hassle to find a parking space for the bike on campus than to walk to campus. Therefore, the stupid frat boys living in my complex may have thought my bike was fair game, i.e. abandoned, despite the new U-lock on it.
So sometime in the past month one guy went to the trouble of breaking my U-lock. I noticed my bike in the same rack I had parked it in, just on the other side. The front wheel had been replaced, one brake cord had been cut, the U-lock was missing, and some weird metal prong stuck out from the center of the back wheel. Also, they had stuck their own lock (cable type) on it.
I was extremely angry -- I mean, come on, it's still my property, and I may have needed it in the future. So I went into lab around 7:20 am, saw D working at the computer, and asked him if he could cut through a bike lock. He didn't bat an eyelash and said, "Yes." Thus did D help me dispense VIGILANTE JUSTICE.
D biked back to his place to get his Dremel, and I walked back to my place to look for my bike registration info. I couldn't find it, but since I had my bike registered in some California registry, I wasn't worried about the criminals crying foul over my taking my property back.
We stuck one end of an extension cord in the bathroom outlet after removing the bathroom screen, and then D stuck his Dremel tool at the other end. It took between 1-2 minutes for him to cut through the cord. Later D handed me the broken cable lock as a souvenir.
I stuck the bike back into my closet-like room, then removed the extension cord from the bathroom.