Monday, March 27, 2006

More frat boy antics

Hard to see, but in the background are several frat people (also behind truck) who may have been responsible for dumping junk in front of my room

So today while I was lolling around my apartment (currently I'm on spring break), the frat people, after a drinking binge, poured some unidentified liquid on the cement walkway in front of my door, all the while chanting "fuck that bitch, fuck that bitch."

Unidentified liquid dumped in front of my room

I presume the frat people are picking on me b/c I never interact with them (for precisely reasons such as this), but really this is too much.

So I stuck my head out and found 2 guys and 1 girl turning around and walking away. When I asked which of them was responsible, the guys acted dumb and so did the girl, but the girl mumbled incoherently something along the lines that she didn't know etc.

remants of frat boy drinking before they dumped crap in front of my room

I called the local police but without dialing 911, and the lady at the phone sympathized with me but told me I should have called 911 immediately so they could have written something up. I told her the name of the frat responsible (Kappa Sigma) and she said they were not currently on the list of officially recognized UCSB frats.

This then begs the question whether they have the right to call themselves a frat, or if the list the IV foot patrol has not been updated.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Santa Barbara Tourist Attractions, Part I

3/26/2006: 12:37 pm UCSB Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens, various ponds

R in a organically-constructed hut

Aqueduct to old Santa Barbara Mission at Botanical Gardens

R pointing out the numerous growths of poison oak all around the Botanical Garden trails

Small creek to cross

Orchid displays at the Botanical Gardens

Up close view of the orchid exhibit

2:00 pm Santa Barbara Natural History Musuem, stuffed animals room

3:19 pm Santa Barbara Mission, Bless your Hog day?

Sample room at the SB Mission

Courtyard grounds at the SB Mission

Blurry picture of altar at the SB Mission

Blurry picture of original chapel at the SB Mission

SB Mission, graveyard wall

And there you have it -- religious figure blessing the motorcyclists as they circle round on their hogs

Friday, March 17, 2006

deck broken by frat boys

fireplace lit at 6:10 am in the morning -- unattended?